L Q TRAILERS >>>8 Horse LQ Slant4 Horse LQ w/bunk12'6" ShortWall LQ Slant10' ShortWall LQ Slant10' ShortWall LQ Reverse Slant 8' ShortWall LQ Slant8'6" ShortWall Straight Silverbuckle 3 Horse Slant

FIELD TRIAL TRAILERS>>>8' x 30' Field Trial Trailer w/LQ's8' x 27' Field Trial Trailer w/LQ's8' x 27' Field Trial TrailerSilverbrook II 26' Field Trial Trailer

GOOSENECK TRAILERS >>>SilverBrook Head to HeadSilverbrook 2+1Stock 8' WideStock 6'6" WideStock ComboSilverbrook Slant Load2 Horse Straight Load
 6' 6" Wide  8' Wide 

BUMPER PULL >>>Sport 2 HorseEcono SportElite 2 HorseSlant LoadEcono SlantStockEncore StockmanCar/Landscape/CargoShoeingFlatbed2 Horse w/Mangers
 6' 6" wide  8' wide 

2011 Shetron Silverbrook II With 10' short wall Living Quarters

Dimensions: 8' wide x 8' high x 42' floor length

The trailer pictured features:

10,000# torflex axles, 215/75R17.5 tires on aluminum mod wheels, extruded aluminum floor, tapered nose with stainless steel nose on front, rear ramp, folding rear tack, entrance door at first horse with drop down window, drop down windows at horse's heads, floor mats, side walls of horse area insulated and lined, interior door from 1st stall to bathroom , Longhorn Custom Living Quarters conversion, with optional 6' side ramp and 8' hay rack with ladder.