L Q TRAILERS >>>8 Horse LQ Slant4 Horse LQ w/bunk12'6" ShortWall LQ Slant10' ShortWall LQ Slant10' ShortWall LQ Reverse Slant 8' ShortWall LQ Slant8'6" ShortWall Straight Silverbuckle 3 Horse Slant

FIELD TRIAL TRAILERS>>>8' x 30' Field Trial Trailer w/LQ's8' x 27' Field Trial Trailer w/LQ's8' x 27' Field Trial TrailerSilverbrook II 26' Field Trial Trailer

GOOSENECK TRAILERS >>>SilverBrook Head to HeadSilverbrook 2+1Stock 8' WideStock 6'6" WideStock ComboSilverbrook Slant Load2 Horse Straight Load
 6' 6" Wide  8' Wide 

BUMPER PULL >>>Sport 2 HorseEcono SportElite 2 HorseSlant LoadEcono SlantStockEncore StockmanCar/Landscape/CargoShoeingFlatbed2 Horse w/Mangers
 6' 6" wide  8' wide 

Silverbrook II

Silverbrook II

3-4 Horse (8' wide, 8' high, 16 floor length)

3-4 Horse with 4' dressing room (8' wide, 8' high, 20' length)

4-Horse (8' wide, 8' high, 22' floor length)

4-Horse with 4' Dressing Room (8' wide, 8' high, 26' length)

5-Horse (8' wide, 8' high. 22' floor length)

5-Horse with 4' Dressing Room (8' wide, 8' high, 26' length)

6-Horse (8' wide, 28' floor length)

6-Horse with 4' Dressing Room (8' wide, 8' high, 32' length)


* Rubber torsion axles
* Aluminum undercarriage
* Adjustable coupler
* Spare tire
* 4-wheel electric brakes
* Safety breakaway
* Radial tires
* Safety chains
* 2�x8� pressure treated floor
    or extruded aluminum floor

* 3/4� solid rubber mats
* Bus windows
* Spring-loaded stall poles
* (2) Side load ramps (excluding 3-4 horse)
* Aluminum mod wheels
* Deluxe Graphics


Extra length charge per foot Call
Brood mare gates For
Aisle Poles Prices
Saddle racks  
Pop-up roof vents  
Hydraulic Jack  
Marine auxiliary battery with aluminum box  
Head divider (tubular or solid)  
Load lights  
Boot box  
Insulate & line inside of roof w/aluminum��x length or trailer (includes finishing off inside corners)  
Fold-up step at dressing room door  
Stainless Front of nose