L Q TRAILERS >>>8 Horse LQ Slant4 Horse LQ w/bunk12'6" ShortWall LQ Slant10' ShortWall LQ Slant10' ShortWall LQ Reverse Slant 8' ShortWall LQ Slant8'6" ShortWall Straight Silverbuckle 3 Horse Slant

FIELD TRIAL TRAILERS>>>8' x 30' Field Trial Trailer w/LQ's8' x 27' Field Trial Trailer w/LQ's8' x 27' Field Trial TrailerSilverbrook II 26' Field Trial Trailer

GOOSENECK TRAILERS >>>SilverBrook Head to HeadSilverbrook 2+1Stock 8' WideStock 6'6" WideStock ComboSilverbrook Slant Load2 Horse Straight Load
 6' 6" Wide  8' Wide 

BUMPER PULL >>>Sport 2 HorseEcono SportElite 2 HorseSlant LoadEcono SlantStockEncore StockmanCar/Landscape/CargoShoeingFlatbed2 Horse w/Mangers
 6' 6" wide  8' wide 

SILVERBROOK II 4-HORSE  Living Quarters with Bunk Beds

Dimensions with 14�6� Short Wall LQ-8� WIDE  X  8�  HIGH  X  32�6� Floor Length

Price Includes

* 8000# Rubber torsion axles
* Aluminum undercarriage & frame
* Adjustable coupler
* Drop down doors w/windows at horse's head
* Sliding windows curbside
* 1 pop-up vent per horse
* Rear tack with 4 saddle racks
* Equalizer hydraulic jacks
* Stainless steel front
* Feed pan / storage area for 3 stalls with 2 access
* Entrance door at 1st horse with drop down door
     with window

Removable add on divider to first stall
Extruded aluminum floor
* 3/4" solid rubber mats
* ST235/85R16F tires
* Aluminum mod wheels
* Exit windows in gooseneck
* Door in wall from bathroom to horses
* Choice of available colors for aluminum sheeting
     above slats 


Price Includes

* Bunk beds
* Soft touch walls and ceiling
* Insulated floor, linoleum
* Western hardware package
* Carpeted bunk area with front
     shirt closet

* Microwave
* Stainless steel sink w/ raised spigot
* 2 burner stainless stove w/ glass top
* Solid wood raised panel doors
* 6 cubic foot refrigerator / freezer
* 6 gallon water heater w/auto ignite
* Electric fireplace
* 16,000 BTU ducted furnace
* Air conditioning
* Power awning
* Sofa / sleeper or dinette
* Hanging wardrobe closet
* Closets, drawers
* Pocket door to bathroom
* Linen closet
* Toilet
* Neo angle shower
* Demand water pump
* Vanity, mirrored medicine cabinet
* Outside water spigot
* Stereo CD player with remote
* E12 volt converter w/built in charge wizard 60

* (2) 20 # LP tanks